Citrus Heights, CA
Edited Date/Time
1/28/2014 4:45pm
Should a slower rider hold his line or move over for passing riders?I recently witnessed a rider revving for the right of way at a local track and it's got me wondering. I ask this because I am helping a friends 12 year son with motocross and believe it is the responsibility of the over taker to do it safely and responsibly.
Especially during practice. Nobody should bitch if they get held up for a second waiting for a safe spot to pass during practice
I agree. When it's practice, spend less time looking back, and more time following your line and being "predictable" I have a horrible video of me following a buddy as he looks back, sees me, and then cuts HARD across the track. I ripped him right after, saying he was going to get hurt badly.
The Shop
As long as you cross-over, you'll make the local orthopedic surgeon a very happy man. And as long as you hold your line you'll cost the dousche lots of money. It's a win-win.
Countless riders have crossed over on me. However, there were 2 riiders who have crossed over on me in the past 15 years that I will remember forever. The first caused a get off where I had a plate and six screws put in the collarbone. And the second august 2012 that caused me to break my foot as my foot came to a dead stop on the girls footpeg. She was crossing over to the right in the center of the double because most were hitting it on the left. Just hold your line. Normally I wouldn't of even jumped it, but I didnt see her because she was inbetween the face and the landing, another guy checked up on the left, and I thought I had enough cleared distance on the right and when I left the face all I saw was slow motion and her coming right at me. Nothing I could do.....bad day. Hold your line.
like wise...If I know I have a faster rider closing up on me I usually go as straight and fast as I can to a place on the track not in the main race line. Doing so is just good safe practice to keeping both you and other riders on two wheels.
yell: "Excuse me kind sir, could you please cross over to the opposing side of the track and endanger other riders that may be passing the both of us!"
But on another note, tell him to hold his line.... I recently landed on the side of a table top landing because some squid went from right to left,.. and i almost landed on him, trying to jump past him on his left
Pit Row
It's PRACTICE, after-all.
Faster riders will get around you.
Just hold your line PERIOD! Its the only safe way. And the guys cruising a whole lap or a section, they are a hazard as well. If you are too tired to ride fast, then go to the pits to cool down / regroup and then go back to the track! And all revvers are douches, just make the pass.
Ride safe, have fun!
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