Ormond Beach, FL
Edited Date/Time
3/29/2014 10:00am
And I mean HUGE. He's the guy I root for, he's the guy I want to win.
Something is bothering me though. In his interview with GuyB, he keeps referencing "breaking the record" over and over from his Toronto win (which was completely dominant and unbelievably cool). But, seriously, what "record" did he break?
The record for having the second most wins in SX? I don't get it. Did he break a record that I'm unaware of?
Looks to me like he moved into 2nd all time, which is incredible, but not a record.
I'll just shut up now and keep rooting for James whenever he races.
Something is bothering me though. In his interview with GuyB, he keeps referencing "breaking the record" over and over from his Toronto win (which was completely dominant and unbelievably cool). But, seriously, what "record" did he break?
The record for having the second most wins in SX? I don't get it. Did he break a record that I'm unaware of?
Looks to me like he moved into 2nd all time, which is incredible, but not a record.
I'll just shut up now and keep rooting for James whenever he races.
I need to consult the Guinness Book of Second Place Records.
Second fattest bearded lady. Second tallest midget.
The Shop
SX all time wins.....
125/250F all time wins....
All time SX/MX wins....
He never said he had the all time record for SX....
How pumped would you be to be on these lists.....
There's sort of two "kinds" of records.
There is the record that you keep as to everyone's results, and then there is "the record", as in the record that everyone else is shooting for to hold the most wins ever.
He did beat RC's record of wins.
But not "the record".
It wasn't THE record, just A record
Did you really think a guy that races outdoor MX can get 72 SX wins?
Not Likely.
Pit Row
Don't forget....if you want to compare Ricky against far as overall wins and championships go....they are not even close. RC was great at SX.....but in the nationals......not anyone in our life time will match his records.
James has been on the big bikes since 2005. That is a total chance of winning 19 championships ( Only counting 9.5yrs since the 2014 nationals hasn't started yet )........he's won 3. 3 championships out of 19.
Now go look up how many title Ricky won in his stint. Or better yet......look at RV's since he's still racing.
Any more questions?
RCs achievements are underrated IMO. His stats are huge.
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