Michael's Take: First off, Justin Hoeft has my upmost respect. This kid lost his little brother, Tyler, at the Freestone Amateur National around three weeks ago. Justin is on TLD's amateur program and after the incident, Troy Lee and Tyler Keefe told Justin to take as much time off as needed and there would be a ride waiting for him, even if was a year or two from now. Justin did take a few weeks off, but surprisingly showed up at the Cal Classic Amateur National this weekend. He was rocking his litte brother's racing number and proceeded to take the overall victory in the 250 Pro Sport class. This kid has so much strength it's unbelievable.
Orange Brigade: You know the story and it's almost unthinkable what @justinhoeft had to race through but you know his little brother is smiling down on him your @caclassicmx 250 pro sport Champ #KTM #OrangeBrigade #CalClassic #RedBullJams #ArmyOfOrange #TeamTLDKTM | @vurbmoto
Michael's Take:Having nice bikes is a constant perk when you're The King.
Jeremy McGrath: Nice little Sunday out here @officialpalaraceway #teamgreen @kawasakionline #motolife
Michael's Take:Still moto-related. Marc Marquez blows my mind, talk about commitment. For those who don't follow road racing, I'm talking about his lean angle through the corners, it's insane!
Air Trix Paint: #HolyShit
Michael's Take: Zach Bell is back on the injured reserve list. Get well soon Zach!
Bailee Mosley: Never do you want to get a call saying "I'm taking Zach to the hospital, come meet us here." He went into surgery right away. Spending three nights in the hospital is not ideal. Hard seeing the one you love in so much pain. No Houston this weekend but he'll be back better than ever! Stay strong @zachbell_44
Michael's Take:Thomas Covington likes to stand out when he's traveling across Europe.
Thomas Covington: Cruising down to Italy to do some riding before Arco GP this weekend! @traxxasracing @monsterenergy @rbijvelds #roadtrip #eurotrip
Michael's Take:Anyone want to dial that number? It took me awhile to remember what that number's from, ha.
Josh Hansen: Houston we here..... @shiftmx @foxracing #LetsGetIt
Michael's Take:KTM not only gives their amateurs some of the best equipment on the track, but they also make sure they're ready when they get up on the podium.
Orange Brigade: Jason Weigandt @jasonygant teaches our @orangebrigade kids the best public speaking in the industry!!! We don't just ride awesome we talk awesome!!! #KTM #ArmyOfOrange #OBCAMP15
Scottie's Picks
Scottie's Take:First of all, congrats to our 2015 Supercross Champion Ryan Dungey who wrapped up his second title in Houston, he has had quite the year! Married life has been very good to him.
Fox Racing: Congrats to the 2015 450 Supercross champion @ryandungey and his wife @lindsay_dungey #teamdungey #2timesSXchamp #Foxracing #Foxmoto @cudby photo
Scottie's Take:Dungey celebrated by fully roasting his Dunlop rubber.
Steve Matthes: Dungey's third or fourth burnout resulted in this.
Scottie's Take:Ironically, it was 10 years ago when Ricky Carmichael wrapped up his Supercross title in Houston, back in 2005. Common denominator here? The Man, Roger Decoster, got both of them to sign to teams that most considered incapable of winning in the top class.
Fox Racing: #TBT 2005 Houston SX @rickycarmichael clinches the 250 championship. #2stroke #premix #thegoat #10yearsago
Scottie's Take:I've made it a bit of a tradition to point out cool and unique trophies. These are way cool and any Smokey and The Bandit/Trans Am fan would appreciate it.
TransWorld Motocross: Trophy presentation about to go down at @milestonemx for the Transworld Trans-Am, fueled by @armaenergyracing! | #twmxtransam #twmxraceseries #motocross | PHOTO: @jordanpowell37_
Scottie's Take:Alex Martin went for quite a ride, doing his best "Air Walk" impression after looping out. AJ seemed to get quite a kick out of it.
AJ Cantazaro: Most hilarious crash I've ever seen in my life. Made my day that someone got this on film. Glad you're alright little guy @alexmartin_31
Scottie's Take:Next weekend, the GP series visits one of the most scenic venues of any motocross facility on the planet in Italy. Truly postcard stuff, good luck RV!
Jeffrey Beerdsen: Need I say more??
Scottie's Take:See you next week!
Vital MX: Day two of outdoor testing for @marvinmusquin25 @foxheadinc @ktmusa @ride100percent #motocross