Blog Post

Remvoing Femur Hardware

I broke my femur in three places near my total knee replacement and I am STILL in a wheelchair and unable to walk right. I am seeing a trauma surgeon next week in Flagstaff as I live in Prescott. One of the screws pulled loose and I have been unable to walk normally since then,,, in fact, I am not walking much at all. I was walking better last August but then I never progressed. I can walk a few steps but nothing normal and working is excruciating as is sitting. I cannot lose weight and now tip the scales at 190 pounds though I lost almost fifteen pounds at first....I have fluid/edema around the leg and knee and ankle, armpits and abdomen, I gained 10 pounds in three days with barely any appetite..What gives? Also the pain has gotten a whole lot worse. It got better the first three months after the break but he had to stop PT because of the pain being so bad. Something feels 'OFF" like its not tracking properly. PA says the bone is healed well but why cant I walk then? I need to work and go to school but cannot do it.....HELP! What about taking out the hardware, pins and screws and distal rod?


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