Blog Post

Happy Mother's Day Mom

Thank you Mom

By Scott Lukaitis

With Mother’s day just around the corner I thought it would be appropriate to send a special thank you out to the Motocross Mom.


Thank you for getting up early and taking us to the races.

Thank you for getting us new bikes and not a new car.

Thank you for putting racing before your hobbies.

Thank you for spending Mothers Day at the track.

Thank you for putting up with us in the garage all night working on the bikes.

Thank you for letting our bikes take over the garage.

Thank you for washing our dirty gear.

Thank you for making breakfast at the track, and lunch and dinner too.

Thank you for not worrying about the track in the yard.

Thank you for giving up your Sunday to spend time at the track.

Thank you for supporting us when we do well and especially when we don’t do so well.

Thank you for always being there to help us up when we fall.

Thank you for all that you do.

Thank you for being my mom.

I love you. Happy Mothers Day.



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