A message to you from Malcolm Smith

Grass Valley, CA US
Edited Date/Time 4/24/2016 5:58am
Malcolm is at the top of the Preston Petty Go fund me page which after a good start has only added a couple of thousand in the last few weeks, a thousand of that from Malcolm. I'm against 99.9% of the go fund me campaigns, don't ask me to buy you a car or pay for your cats operation. This is one of the legends of the motorcycle industry who should not be in this position but after reading the last few lines I understand the situation a little better. And having something similar happen 20 years ago, I fully understand. Seems like an easy enough thing to just start over, you did it once right, it's not. I know a lot of people here have already but if you can and haven't yet please give a little. It will be truly life changing to someone who to many of us looked up to. I gave $20, much less than others, I wish I could have done more. I've been a Facebook friend of Prestons for a few years, in fact him and DeCoster I believe are the only two people I don't actually know who I have ever sent a friend request to. I've talked to both once or twice over the years but wouldn't say I know either. But every year on my birthday there is a happy birthday from Preston. Sure it may be an automatic program doing it but, it's still pretty damn cool. And I'm the last person who would ever ask for an autograph or ask anyone to take a picture. Below are the words of another legend.

I first meet Preston Petty at a scrambles race. We were both riding Square Barrel Greeves. This was about 1963. He was always a good and fast rider and hard to beat in any race. He raced Honda 250 and 300 or 350 twins with the hi duel pipes. I remember when Preston was racing the half mile at Ascot park and hit the outside wall hard and left in an ambulance. The first day of the Corriganville Grandprix one year Preston showed me a new invention he had. It was an injection molded plastic fender. He bent it all around and it would spring back to its original form. I bent it around and then threw it out in the bushes and told Preston no one would buy a plastic fender, every one wanted lite aluminum fenders on their race bikes. I thing that tells you how much I knew about the market. Preston has a brilliant mind and designed fenders and CNC machined molds to mass produce plastics motorcycle parts. He built a large factory in Mcmineville Oregon near Trask mountain,where many 6 days qualifyers were held. One year he bought a new twin engine Aero Commander and flew it around the world. Scott Goggle corporation was buying up other corporations at that time and made Preston an offer he could not refuse. Scott bit off more than they could chew or pay debt service and they went bankrupt after only paying Preson the down payment. If that had not happened it would be Preston donating money to someone else in our motorcycle industry community. Come on you guys and girls donate or donate some more. Malcolm Smith

Planet, VT US
4/24/2016 5:58am
I donated when this first started. I sent the link to several other old school MX guys. They also donated.

Thanks for trying to keep this alive.

Anyone reading this...even the price of your morning coffee and bagel will help.

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